
headlight for hub dynamos
with high beam and USB charging function

Charging electronics with a small buffer battery are completely integrated into the headlight housing and manage to draw up to 12 W of power from the hub dynamo.

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SON 29 S

A new dynamo model is launching:
The SON 29 S is so slim and narrow that you would hardly suspect a dynamo in it. The lacing (straight-pull) is tangential on the disc side and radial on the connection side.

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  • NEW

    Edelux DC 170

    The Edelux DC 170 for pedelecs delivers 170 lux. With particularly even beam for good vision at close range and in the distance. It is now avaliable in orange and light green.

  • NEW

    SON Easy Wheels 66

    More comfort for Brompton folding bikes: The SON Easy Wheels 66 make rolling and pulling particularly pleasant.

  • NEW

    SON Rear Light seat clamp

    Elegant and minimalistic integration into the seat clamp.

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  • Carlotta is getting the new Ladelux for the Atlas Mountain Race

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    • What should the ideal light field of a headlight look like?

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      SON is synonymous with hub dynamo lighting of highest quality since more than 20 years. A team of 30 cycling enthusiasts with various qualifications, produces hub dynamos, LED headlights, taillights and even their own cabling technique in Tübingen in the centre of the French Quarter. Not only design, assembly and sales take place here, but also many individual parts are manufactured on modern, high-precision CNC lathes and milling machines. SON products are valued by demanding cyclists around the world, in everyday life, in sports, on the road, on normal bikes as on specialized bicycles of almost any kind.

      more about us
      made in Tübingen