SON News


Joffrey Maluski: Exploring the Polar Night

22. January 2024

This winter Joffrey Maluski started his adventure into freezing temperatures with SON lighting.
Back in winter 2021, he embarked on a 2-month, 4,500-kilometer long journey from France to the North Cape of Norway. A challenging undertaking that combined sporting ambition and charity – supporting childhood cancer research.
At home again, he had a new idea in mind: to return, this time during the Kaamos (polar night season) to explore the wild natural beauty of Lapland by bike.

This self-supported expedition promises not only extreme challenges for body and equipment in temperatures as low as -30°C, but also a unique route, that leads Joffrey to the Northern Lights and through the white snowy landscapes of the Arctic wilderness – 1500 kilometers from the westernmost to the easternmost point of Lapland.

With this adventure, Joffrey would like to show the fragile beauty of nature and create awareness for more environmental protection. His journey is an inspiring example of how individual challenges can be used to have a positive impact.
Joffreys Instagram

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