SON News


With a Velotraum bike and a SON hub dynamo to Tokyo!

17. June 2019

„Without a plan to Japan“ is the name of the new project of the three adventurers, born in Tübingen. Beginning was 30th of april – destination: the Olympic Games in Tokio 2020. In order to have the perfect bike and equipment for it, the three of them are advised by Stefan Stiener at Velotraum in Weil der Stadt.

After their trip to Rio in 2016 they even produced a cine film, which caused a big rush also in the district Tübingen. Now Felix and the brothers Nico and Julian want to go on tour again.

To have always electrical power for lighting and charging devices a SON 28 with the Coaxial Adapter and the SON Coaxial Junction Box is installed on each bike, so there will always be electrical power for lighting and charging devices. The internal gears come from Pinion.

Regarding the bicycles, nothing can go wrong anymore!

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